Mark 10:32-45
Our gospel reading for today presents a vivid scene filled with both determination and fear. "They were on the road, going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking ahead of them; they were amazed, and those who followed were afraid" (Mark 10:32a). Picture this: Jesus and his followers are walking toward what, for the disciples anyway, is an uncertain future in the city of Jerusalem. Jesus is out in front, like the point man in a war movie. He is not hesitant but his disciples are lagging behind.
I admit that my own journey of faith sometimes resembles this scene from Mark’s gospel. There are days when I am content to allow Jesus to walk far ahead as I find excuses to dillydally. It isn’t that I don’t believe, it’s just that I’m not entirely sure that I want to go where Jesus is leading me. I lack courage, perhaps, or confidence. I am clearly not as determined as I should be. And yet, Jesus continues to lead me on and to lead others with me. Together we take hesitant, unwilling steps. Together we travel the road that Jesus has chosen. Together we go to meet the future that God holds out to us.
Why is Jesus willing to lead such a procession? I don’t know, but I thank God for the grace that Jesus displays. Even when I pause on the road of discipleship Jesus urges me on. And I know in my heart that whatever happens I will be in the company of the one whose love saves me. I may not be as determined as I should be, but by God’s grace I keep walking.
Prayer: Lord, lead us on and take us with you. Amen.
My guest blogger for tomorrow will be the Rev. Dr. David R. Freeman.
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