Thursday, January 19, 2012


John 4:1-15
"Are you greater than our ancestor Jacob, who gave us the well, and with his sons and his flocks drank from it?" (John 4:12). According to our reading from John this morning a Samaritan woman asked this question of Jesus. In hindsight it is an ironic thing to ask. Of course the Son of God, the Word Incarnate, is greater than Jacob and his sons. But in a contemporary setting the woman's inquiry should probably give us pause. I know that I ask similar questions just about daily. Oh, they are not as pointed, of course, but behind the choices that I make, behind the decisions that I reach, there lies a fundamental conflict.

"Jesus, are you greater than the things I want to buy with MY money?"

"Jesus, are you greater than the rights I claim as a citizen of a nation?"

"Jesus, are you greater than the platform of any political party or any candidate or any administration?"

"Jesus, are you greater than what I think I know to be true about the church before I even ask?"

The answer is always yes, of course, but the fact that I ever find myself dealing with such issues is telling. Humility before the Lord is sometimes tough to manage, but the alternative puts us at odds with God's will. Today we all have another chance to get our priorities in order. Thanks be to God.

Prayer: Lord, help me to know you and to follow you with justice, kindness, and a humble spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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