Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Yeast of God

(I apologize for missing yesterday's posting, but I was under the weather. I'm feeling better today.)

Mark 8:11-26
There are certain attitudes, certain perspectives that can touch every part of our lives, and often for the worst. If we are not careful we may find ourselves trapped by what we take for granted and not even realize how damaging it is. Jesus wanted the disciples to understand this. “And he cautioned them,” Mark tells us, “saying, ‘Watch out—beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod’” (Mark 8:15). As was so often the case Jesus’ followers were slow to understand. Fortunately, Jesus’ word remain as a warning for us.

Jesus was using the example of yeast, an ingredient in the baking of bread that, when spread throughout the dough, causes it to rise. That’s well and good. But if our lives are permeated with hypocrisy…or racism, or addiction, or greed, or apathy, or any other of a countless number of negative attitudes, we will find every part of who we are affected. Our relationships with God, our families, our friends, our co-workers; our view of nature and of stewardship; our willingness to accept strangers or to offer hospitality to those in need; our concern for those who suffer; all of these are affected by what it is that motivates our living, the yeast that is mixed into who we are.

So what should we do? Well, instead of letting the negative attitudes guide us through our living, we should turn to what we might call the “yeast of God.” For only when the love of God fills our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and we demonstrate love for our neighbors are we able to live as we should, in fullest community. It’s the one ingredient we should strive for at all times. And while it is not to be found on the shelf at the grocery store, it is available to us through prayer, patience, and careful attention to what we say and do.

Prayer: Lord, help us to be motivated by our love for you and one another, and not by the cares of this world or the sins which tempt us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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