Sunday, March 25, 2007

Finding Safety, Changing Plans

Psalm 84
My random thoughts today on the psalm (it is a little intimidating since Jim wrote an entire play on Psalm 84):
Sanctuary is a place of welcome and respite, where all God’s creatures may find a place:
“Even the sparrow finds a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself.”
Sanctuary is where work is welcomed; it is a gift and is given as praise to God:
“I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God.”
The rains and floods will come in our lives, the difficulties and struggles, but God’s presence and grace surrounds us, upholds us, and sustains the people of God.
“They go from strength to strength…”
God does this in many ways, through word and sacrament, through the community and family, through service.

Wow, Jesus’ words to Peter seem so harsh. Today, when I was reading these words I substituted my own name for Peter’s name. Where do I want to Jesus to change his plans to fit mine, instead of me fitting my plans to Jesus’ way, to fit Jesus’ plan, to fit God’s purposes? We are coming into the homestretch of Holy Week and as we do it is important that each of us begins to look at how we as individuals ask Jesus to change to fit into our plans, but more importantly how we as a community of faith ask God to change to fit our plans.

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