In our reading from Revelation this morning the author is escorted into heaven and describes what he sees as he first enters. There is a throne, and the one seated on that throne has the appearance of precious stones, and of light and color. Lightening and thunder cascade from the throne as well. In front of the throne is a sea as calm and bright as crystal. Four living creatures, each in a different form, surround the throne. John tells us, “Day and night without ceasing (the four creatures) sing,
‘Holy, holy, holy,
the Lord God the Almighty,
who was and is and is to come’" (Revelation 4:8).
What a marvelous scene…unless earthly considerations begin to creep into our minds. Is eternity really this cold and sterile? Is everything made of precious stones and constantly lit by flashes of lightening? Is there nothing soft or comfortable to be found? And is there really no break in the singing (or could those four creatures at least pick something else to sing occasionally)? Such concerns are ill-founded, of course. The point of the scene is not the monotony of it all (even grandeur might become tiring after awhile), but the majestic presence of God which John is describing the best way he knows how, with human language and with reference to things that his readers would understand.
I don’t know what to expect in the heavenly court, but I trust it will be nothing of which the human mind could conceive or human words express. Nor should we be focused on what the four creatures are singing “day and night,” only that the praise of God is constant because there is nothing to distract attention from the glory and the majesty. If only our hearts and minds and souls were as focused on God’s glory now as they will be.
Prayer: Lord, help us to live with your praise on our lips and your love in our hearts. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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