There is something about personal contact that cannot be duplicated by any other means. We may value the convenience of talking on the phone, or of texting or e-mailing, or of “following” one another on Facebook or Twitter, or of connecting via Skype or another form of video conferencing, but it simply is not the same as meeting someone in person and spending time in her or his company. The same idea is expressed in pre-technological terms by the author of 2 John. “Although I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink; instead I hope to come to you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete” (2 John 1:12). The church is a community of faith built on relationships, those among individuals and between Jesus Christ and humanity. To participate fully, then, we must be present with and to one another as we seek to serve our Lord. There is a time and a place for “paper and ink.” But only when we stand together do we find complete joy and fulfilled purpose.
Like virtually all congregations the one I serve celebrated Christmas Eve with a worship service. Attendance that evening was higher than at any time during my brief tenure. I suspect that when we reach Easter Sunday we will have a similar turnout. I’m not complaining. It is ALWAYS a blessing to worship God, no matter how many are present, and I am delighted whenever people are willing to participate. But it is essential for us to understand that we are not fully God’s people when we are not fully engaged with one another, and that means face to face.
The author of 2 John longed for the opportunity to put down his pen and instead to visit face to face with his sisters and brothers. That need still exists and can never be replaced – not even by a blog based on the daily lectionary!
Prayer: Lord, bring us together in the faith that we may serve you fully. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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