Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Foundation of Change

1 Samuel 2b-10
Our Old Testament reading for today is the “Song of Hannah,” a beautiful expression of faith that serves as the model for the Magnificat, Mary’s song in Luke 1. Hannah’s words, like Mary’s, point to a reversal of fortune between the weak and the powerful, between the hungry and the well-fed, between the poor and the wealthy. And yet, “the pillars of the earth are the Lord's,” we read, “and on them (God) has set the world” (1 Samuel 2:8c). This may seem to be a contradiction; lives are turned upside down despite a firm foundation established by God.

The answer lies in the justice and righteousness that God seeks, that the Lord will bring to fruition. Those who rely on God’s Sovereignty may do so with hope and confidence because the pillars are sturdy and the foundation is strong. But those who rely on their own wealth, their own power, their own works will find themselves shaken to the core, for their lives are like a house build on sand. In the end God’s will is done as God’s reign comes in its fullness, and those who trust in God will not be shaken.

Where do we stand? Do we put faith in our possessions, in our social status, in our politics? Or do we trust in the Lord as a solid truth, one on which to build a lasting life of faith?

Prayer: Lord, help us to trust in you and to stand on the foundation that you provide. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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