Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's What We Do

Psalm 134
Included in the lectionary readings each day are two psalms intended for the evening. Psalm 134 is one of the evening psalms for today. Oddly, the first verses of the psalm remind me of the TV game show Jeopardy. On the show contestants are given answers and are challenged to provide appropriate questions. For example an answer might read “the first book of the Bible,” to which a contestant would ask “What is Genesis?” So imagine Psalm 134 as used as an “answer” on Jeopardy. “Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by night in the house of the Lord! Lift up your hands to the holy place, and bless the Lord” (Psalm 134:1-2). So what’s the “question”?

The question might be, “What should God’s people do?” That’s what Psalm 134 is telling us, that we should be about blessing and praising God night and day, that we should worship and serve God, that we should stand ready to respond to God’s call, whatever it may be. I may be inferring some things, but I believe the intent is there. As God’s people we are called to worship our Creator and to serve God’s intentions.

As our lives unfold and as we are faced with ever changing circumstances we may feel confused or overwhelmed. But according to Psalm 134 it is always appropriate to offer our worship to God. That is a good way to begin and end each day, a good way to center ourselves and to keep ourselves focused on what is really important. And frankly as God’s people it’s what we do.

Prayer: Creator of all, help us to serve you with heart, mind, soul, and strength all the days of our lives, and may we bless your holy name in all we do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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