In today’s epistle reading Paul offers an example of what the worship of God should be about. “What should be done then, my friends? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up” (1 Corinthians 14:26). When we gather before God we each bring our own offering, our willingness to participate in the praise of our Creator. We may sing, we may preach, we may pray, we may listen attentively, we may contribute money. But whatever our offering may be, however it presents itself in our lives, we must first be sure we are building up the body of Christ, not tearing it down or causing it to fall to pieces.
Furthermore we must hear Paul’s words and take them seriously. Who is it who brings an offering for the worship of God? “Each one,” says Paul, by which he means each member of the community. Worship is not some sort of performance art, not a form of lecture, not a recital. Worship is an act of the body of Christ directed toward God. And as such we must strive to build each other up in our worship and in our living. This, of course, understands the essential nature of our gathering and of our worship. It is not optional, it is a part of what we do! Paul does not suggest that “if we should happen to gather…,” but states flatly, “whey you come together….”
So we must gather, must come together to worship God, each with our own gifts and offerings, and each focused not only on God, but on building up one another. Through such activity we find peace and joy in the presence of God.
Prayer: Lord, help to worship you with honesty and with enthusiasm, joined with our fellow-believers, and guided by your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
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