1 Kings 22:29-45
Verse 34 says, “But a certain man drew his bow and unknowingly struck the king of Israel between the scale armor and the breastplate; so he said to the driver of his chariot, ‘Turn around, and carry me out of the battle, for I am wounded’” How often do significant events hinge on the “accidental” and unforeseen? And yet, God is always present in some way and in this case had said through the prophet Micaiah that Israel would meet with disaster. Does God play a direct role in all events? I’d have to say no. God does not necessarily cause disasters to befall people. Sometimes our own sinful actions lead us to catastrophe. Sometimes it is the elements of nature that bring about events. Sometimes it is the choices of others that cause us harm. But God is sovereign over all history and over all creation. God enters into human activity as God sees fit and according to God’s will. And God offers strength and comfort at all times because God loves God’s people and cares for us earnestly.
1 Corinthians 2:14-3:15
Here’s another example of God’s presence in the affairs of humanity. Verse 6 says, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.” We have a role to play in God’s plan. God has called us to use our skills and talents to serve others. Sharing the good news of the gospel is just one example, whether it is in forming new communities of faith as Paul did, or offering support once they are established as Apollos seems to have done. But ultimately it is the will of God that brings about “growth”. God is at work in human history, but we are called to be at work, too.
Matthew 5:1-10
In the Beatitudes, according to the Oxford Annotated NRSV, Jesus proclaims, “God’s favor toward those who aspire to live under (God’s) rule.” Again, God is present and active in our world, but God calls us to be active as well and to play a part in the dawning of God’s reign. Those who aspire are blessed. Note that it is those who “aspire,” not those who succeed. We are called to live faithful lives of obedience as best we can. Even when we fail God’s grace abounds, another sign of God’s presence.
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