Sunday, September 2, 2007

Focusing on God


I Kings 8:22-30 (31-40)
In the readings from the Old Testament this week, Solomon may have appeared to be the focus. But Solomon hasn’t really been the focus––God and God’s relationship to the people has been the focus. Solomon was given the chance to ask God for anything and he asked for wisdom as he ruled the people. He was given this and more. As he dedicated the temple he prayed for God’s presence to always be there, but kew that even heaven could not contain God. He prayed that the people’s actions might always be focused on God’s word and God’s will in their lives. I wonder what it would be like for churches today to focus wholly and faithfully on God’s word and will and to trust God to supply all that we need. When we offer prayers of supplication this is what we are asking—that God will supply the healing, the strength, the resources, and the faith no matter what happens.
O God, you are great and we trust in your provident care, give your church wisdom to hear your word and live it; give your church vision to see the kingdom of God in our midst and to live into your kingdom; give your church faith in you so as to remove mountains and not to make them. In your goodness forgive us when we fail and give us more faith, give us patience as we deal with one another, and give us your presence in our actions and our lives so that others may come to know and believe in you. In the name of the Trinity of love we pray. Amen.

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