1 Samuel 20:1-23
The story of David, Saul, and Jonathan reads almost like a soap opera or a graphic novel. Saul’s actions have become increasingly erratic until Jonathan is put in a position to choose between his father or his good friend David. Clearly, even personal relationships are vehicles through which God may work, and the relationship between David and Jonathan is a good example. The two men have covenanted together and they are both determined to honor that covenant, regardless of where it takes them. They also recognize that God is at work in their midst.
Acts 12:18-25
No matter what else was going on at the time, no matter what Herod did or said, verse 24 says, “…the word of God continued to advance and gain adherents.” Humans tend to repeat mistakes, to seek familiar ground, to do the same things over and over again. But no matter what was happening at the time, “the word of God continued to advance…” God was doing a new thing, opening hearts in a new way, and as a result “new adherents” were being added to the church constantly. There is a lesson here for the modern church, to stop treading over the same ground and instead to advance with the word of God as a guide. What would that look like? It would look like something new and different, something we may not expect, something fresh and exhilarating. And it would be a step forward, and not “business as usual.” This is something we need to think about as individual Christians, and as a community as a whole.
Mark 2:13-22
There are several verses in this passage that have been used to characterize renewal in the life of the church. There is a group called “Friends of the Groom” who develop dramatic worship resources. One group of Presbyterians have referred to themselves as the “New Wineskins” group. I have always found meaning in what Jesus says in verse 17: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have come to call not the righteous, but sinners.” We all need God’s help in one way or another, we are all sinners in need of God’s redemptive grace. Jesus has come to offer that help and that grace to whomever will take it.
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