Monday, July 16, 2007

Serving God

After a hiatus for vacation, we are back. Thanks for your patience.


1 Samuel 18:5-30
Verse 12 may seem a little harsh. “Saul was afraid of David, because the Lord was with him but had departed from Saul.” But the understanding behind these words is that the monarchy of Israel belonged to God and God was more than a backroom mover and shaker. God was actually out front, dealing with the king as God saw fit and according to the divine will. God has anointed Saul to be king, and God could (and did) choose another to replace him. So God’s actions may seem harsh, but they are in accord with God’s will.

Acts 11:19-30
Verse 24 says that Barnabas “was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith.” In other words, Barnabas had been equipped by God to do what God needed him to do, which in this case was to rejoice with and to exhort the converts in Antioch. How is God equipping each of us to do God’s will? Not all of us are good at exhorting, but we all have gifts and skills that can and should be shared with the community of faith.

Mark 1:29-45
Here’s an almost humorous example of using our gifts and skills in service to God. Verse 31 tells that after Jesus healed Simon’s mother-in-law, “the fever left her, and she began to serve them.” At first it may seem silly that the woman who has been sick and in bed must now get up and serve others. But hospitality is a high calling, and the opportunity to serve Jesus by serving other should not be taken lightly. Simon’s mother-in-law was restored in health so that she could fulfill her role. May we all be so blessed.

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