Romans 14:13-23
What is it that ultimately gives a community its shape and its resilience? Is it the restrictions and prohibitions that are maintained? Is it dietary customs? Is it the normal manner of dress? Paul answers this question in terms of the people of God when he writes, “For the kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. The one who thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and has human approval. Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding” (Romans 14:17-19). Paul would rather have followers of Jesus Christ concentrate their efforts on the fruit of the Spirit, and particularly on bearing one another in love, than on any single law or custom. What God seeks most in creation is lives of joy focused on loving God and one another. When we are able to do this we will meet all the requirements necessary. Don’t be concerned just for yourself, but “pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.” Focus on “righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” which is very different from the sort of rules and regulations that punish or demean others.
We spend a great deal of time condemning others for their lifestyles or for their choices, and in truth there are actions that must be resisted. But if our first response to any disagreement is to lash out at or to pull apart from those with differing opinions we have failed to meet Paul’s terms. Recently I was politely told that the denomination with which I am affiliated has—in the past few decades–moved away from certitude on many points and now seems to offer either/or choices. I accept that as both a fact and a challenge, for it seems to me that what some call certitude is really self-centeredness and bigotry while what some consider to be an unwillingness to commit on issues is really a recognition that there are no quick or easy answers to some questions, and never have been.
But that doesn’t mean we can quit listening to and for the word of God, for it is in an open and honest consideration of others and in a mature and prayerful approach to God’s will that we find the greatest chance to build community while bringing joy to our creator.
Prayer: Lord, forgive us when we reject others for the sake of our own opinions or pride. Help us to hear your word of peace and joy and to live accordingly. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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