Friday, October 12, 2012

Now Hear This!

Luke 8:1-15
“As (Jesus) said this, he called out, ‘Let anyone with ears to hear listen!’” (Luke 8:8b). I think I had always taken this phrase to mean something along the lines of “think about what I’ve just said and figure out what it means for your life.” I assumed that it was an invitation to consider Jesus’ words and their application to life. If you are able, if you are capable, give this story some thought. But I have come to a new opinion on the matter, one that hinges on how we understand the word “called,” as in Jesus “called out.” Basically this word in Greek means to cry out, to speak loudly or with emphasis. What Jesus was really saying was, “listen up, I’m getting ready to tell you something important,” or “get quiet so you can hear me,” or “may I have your attention, please?” It was not an invitation to weigh his words, but more an appeal to let him speak. Jesus didn’t want to have to compete with the noises of the world, or the murmurings of those who were gathered. He wanted their attention. In fact based on the rest of the text we see that the ability to understand Jesus’ words was not really the point. It was simply being able to hear them. He wanted the crowd to hear.

Jesus still wants the crowds to hear, still wants to be listened to over and above the noise of the world. So many voices are clamoring for our attention, so many sounds are echoing across the landscape, so much is audible to us on a moment-to-moment basis that we have to wonder how much of what we perceive is actually of any importance to us. Jesus wants the crowds, the world, the nations to receive his message and one way that happens is when we take the time to share it ourselves. We’ve heard the word, now it’s our turn to pass it along.

Prayer: Lord, help us to hear your word and to share it with the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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