Acts 19:11-20
According to the book of Acts, God was at work though Paul in powerful ways. Many were healed in the name of Jesus Christ and many more came to hear of these miracles. So profound was the effect upon the city of Ephesus that even some non-believers set out to heal in the name of Jesus. In one notable case seven brothers confronted a man possessed by a demon. But as Acts tells us, “the evil spirit said to them in reply, ‘Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?’” (Acts 19:15). Then the one in whom the spirit resided overcame all of the brothers who fled the house “naked and wounded” (v.16). Clearly, it wasn’t enough to toss around the name of Jesus like a magic charm. It wasn’t enough to follow certain protocols, certain rituals, certain formulas. Even an evil spirit could tell the difference between those who were committed to Jesus Christ and those who were not. The seven brothers were left naked, Acts tells us, which I think symbolizes the fact that their deceit had been uncovered. They were frauds, and now the whole community could see it.
This story deserves our attention. If we are to truly change the world, if we are to confront evil and overpower injustice, if we are to speak truth to the powers, we must do so, not simply in the name of Jesus Christ, but as those who believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God, Lord and Savior, God with us. We must work for God and not expect God to somehow work for us. We must set aside empty ritual and accept the fact that faith is hard work. If we do these things we will be amazed by what God is doing. Otherwise, we may find ourselves revealed for who we are: nothing more than divine name-droppers.
Prayer: Lord, give us faith by which to serve you, that in all things your will may be done. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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