Acts 8:26-40
The book we call the Acts of the Apostles is well-named because it shares with us a story of action, of movement, of things being done. But many have suggested the story could be called the Acts of God since God is the primary force at work throughout. Our reading today is a good example. “Then an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Get up and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza…. When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away; the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing” (Acts 8:26, 39). Philip is busy, traveling from Jerusalem to the desert and, after a brief encounter with an Ethiopian dignitary, on to Azotus. But Philip’s actions are guided by God, either through an angel––a messenger––or by the Holy Spirit. In fact, Philip seems to be completely at God’s disposal, unaware of why he is going where he goes, but willing and enthusiastic about going anyway.
If you are like me you find it difficult to follow Philip’s example. Sometimes I act more like Jonah because I am not so willing to follow God’s guidance. I hem and haw, I hesitate, I drag my feet, and occasionally I simply try to ignore the whole thing. But Acts makes it clear that allowing God to lead us and, if need be, to pick us up and carry us, gives us opportunities to minister and witness to others, to play a role in what God is accomplishing in the world.
So how will we live today, with bold enthusiasm for the message of God or timidly and reluctantly choosing to remain silent? If we will allow God to work through us there’s no telling what we may accomplish.
Prayer: Lord, use us to do your will even when we are hesitant to get involved. For it is in Jesus’ name that we pray. Amen.
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