Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We Know You

Matthew 13:53-58
Perhaps familiarity does breed contempt. That certainly seems to have been the case for Jesus. Visiting his hometown he was confronted with a stubborn disbelief. "Is not this the carpenter’ son?" the locals asked each other. "Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And are not all his sisters with us?" (Matthew 13:55-56). It was as if Jesus' roots in the community nullified his ministry. "He can't be special," folks were saying. "He's one of us."

But that's just the point, isn't it? Jesus was and is "one of us" in a very real way. Jesus, the fullest expression of God's love, shared our lives at a real time and a real place. He faced real pain, cried real tears, ate real food, experienced real joy and wonder, and offered real grace and truth. He could have accomplished so much if the home folks had only believed in him. The good news is that he still can.

Prayer: Lord of life, give us the faith we need to accept your gracious presence in our lives. Amen.

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