Friday, July 15, 2011

National Treasure

1 Samuel 21:1-15

Ever wonder what happened to the sword Goliath was wearing the day David defeated him. Our reading from 1 Samuel today tells us. It was being kept by the priests at Nob, wrapped and stored in a safe place. "The priest said, 'The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you killed in the valley of Elah, is here wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod; if you will take that, take it, for there is none here except that one.' David said, 'There is none like it; give it to me'” (1 Samuel 21:9).

It would seem that this particular item, this sword, had already become a national treasure of sorts, or perhaps an object of religious significance. And why not? It marked an important chapter in the history of God's people. It told a story of what was possible, even if unlikely, when God was involved. David, when he was only a boy, had defeated a giant because he trusted in God's strength. What else was possible, even if unlikely, if the people of Israel would trust in the Lord their God?

The artifacts to which a nation attaches meaning say a great deal. But so do the items that we as individuals or families consider important. A family Bible that shows signs of regular use indicates that the word of God is never far away from its owners. What items do we consider indicative of who we are as people? And what exactly do they say about us? It's a question worth careful consideration.

Prayer: God of history and of hope, help us to focus on you and your will for our lives in all that we do. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for the article. I will have a link back to this information from our fresh blog. Thanks again.