Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Elected To Be A Light To the Nations

Isaiah 49:1-11
In pondering the meaning of the doctrine of election—an understanding of how God calls or chooses people with whom to be in covenant—I find it helpful to remember that election is not just about salvation. It is also a call to service. When God “elects” people it is to work for the coming reign of God, not to enjoy perks of membership.

“I will give you as a light to the nations,” God says, “that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth” (Isaiah 49:6). This is very similar to what God told Abraham, how he and Sarah would be a blessing to the nations. But here in Isaiah there is a sense of burden, or of weight being laid on the prophet’s shoulders. No longer is it enough to call the children of Israel back to God, now the entire world is to be included in the invitation. To be God’s people automatically means thinking beyond ourselves, caring for others beyond our immediate circle, reaching out to the world so that God’s salvation may be known and others may join in the community of faith.

This can be a little overwhelming for sure. But like so many other aspects of faith we never know what we can accomplish with God’s help until we try, until we give ourselves over to the effort, accepting the burden, and serving God by serving one another. We, like the writer of Isaiah 49, have been called as lights to the nations. It is an important task for which God has chosen us. We have the opportunity to respond with gratitude and with zeal. We have the chance to share good news and to make a difference. It is a task well worth doing.

Prayer: Lord, fill our hearts with love and with determination, that we may share your love with the world and may live to your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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