Monday, November 22, 2010

The Gospel According to Sam and Dave

Galatians 6:1-10
Paul’s words in the sixth chapter of Galatians really hit home for me, especially when the apostle encourages his readers to continue in the faith. In the years immediately following the resurrection there were already questions about how long it would take before God’s kingdom came in its fullness and Jesus returned to lead his people home. As the time passed by and the wait grew longer, some believers began to lose hope and even revert to their former ways. Paul offered them encouragement. “So let us not grow weary in doing what is right,” Paul writes, “for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).

Paul’s words remind me of the Sam and Dave classic, “Hold On, I’m Coming.”

Well don't you ever be sad
Lean on me when times are bad
When the day comes and you're in doubt,
In a river of trouble, about to drown.
Hold on, I'm coming.
Hold on, I'm coming.

There are times when I feel overwhelmed by the struggles of life, “the river of trouble” full of doubt. At those times it lifts my soul to hear a word of hope, a reminder that it will be okay. Hold on, Paul says to me and to anyone else who is listening. Hold on until the harvest time. Continue by God’s grace and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to do what is right and just and true. If you will just hang on you will see the promises of God fulfilled in due time. In other words, “When the day comes and you’re in doubt, in a river of trouble and about to drown, hold on…” Yes, we will grow weary. Yes, our lamps may flicker for want of oil and our eyelids droop from want of sleep, but that for which we wait grows ever nearer. Hold on, for Christ is coming. Hold on, for the time of harvest is nearly here.

So I move ahead by God’s grace as I look for the kingdom to come. And I strive with the help of the Spirit to live a life of faithful obedience. Sometimes that’s all I can do.

Prayer: Lord, when we feel the weariness of time lift our hearts with your word of hope that we may remain faithful and continue to do what is right in your eyes. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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