Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Troubling Passages


Genesis 9:18-29
The story of Noah’s nakedness and the curse of Canaan is troubling to me, mostly because it stands in contrast to what God has done for Noah and his family. When God set the rainbow in the clouds as a reminder of the divine covenant with creation never again to destroy it with a flood it was a great blessing to Noah. But even in the face of this graciousness Noah finds it necessary to curse Canaan as a slave and the father of slaves. Now let me admit right here that there is obviously a lot going on in this story as subtext, a lot of things we don’t easily understand, but in simple terms how often do we take what God intends as a blessing and turn it around? How often do we accept the goodness of God, the grace of God on the one hand, and treat others with contempt or scorn on the other? Since God has blessed us we should find ways to be a blessing to others.

Hebrews 6:1-12
This is also a troubling passage, one that would seem to set a limit on God’s grace. Beginning at verse 4 we read, “For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who have once been enlightened…and then have fallen away…” This is likened to crucifying Jesus again and compared to a field that receives abundant rain and cultivation yet produces only “thorns and thistles” (v.8). My problem is that God’s grace is inexhaustible, which is a good thing because I also recognize my need to repent repeatedly of my sins, to confess that I have not lived as I should and that I have not been the person God has intended me to be. And I believe that God forgives those sins and allows me to move forward in grace. Is there anything I can do to escape God’s forgiveness? I don’t believe so. Do I face consequences for my actions? Yes, but God’s grace continues to flow. So I take issue with this passage if it is intended to show a limit after which God is incapable or unwilling to forgive.

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