Morning Prayer:
O God open my heart that I may receive your word into my life this day. Help me to read your word now, to be aware of its meaning in the lives of saints down through the centuries. But more importantly throughout this day, give me insight and wisdom, understanding and action that your word may come alive for me as well as others that I come in contact with. Help me to hear it again and again as good news, the gospel light and hope, the promise of your presence in the world. Amen.
Psalm 150:
When I hear or read the words of Psalm 150 I am reminded that all of our activity from early morning to late at night for God is praise; not just humans but all of creation. The gift of creating a holy band to wholly praise our creator in one accord would be such a unique undertaking, but to hear the harmony of such an orchestra of praise instead of fighting would be heaven.
I Kings 17:17-24
When I read the passage from I Kings this morning, two things fascinated me, one is the mother’s panic and the other is prophet’s calm. She may not be yelling at Elijah, but she is desperate and she is hurt and she does blame him for her son’s death. In the midst of the accusations the prophet calmly asks for the son and takes him to the upper chamber where he prays. It is difficult to tell whether his calm takes on the panic of the boy’s mother or he is simply praying and getting God’s attention. But nevertheless, the widow’s concerns are being voiced in heaven and more importantly they are heard in heaven.
3 John 1-13
The apostles write to the churches as a parent would write children. They are eager to hear form them, they are eager for a word from them, they are eager to hear how they are doing, to hear how they are learning and growing in God’s grace. These apostles have started something and they like to hear and see the fruits of their labor.
John 4:46-54
The story of the royal official’s son being healed is a great story of faith. It is once again a story to any who grew up in the faith, who think we know all about what is going on, to have the opportunity to be surprised by faith. The Royal official seeks Jesus out because his son is ill. He doesn’t expect Jesus to come to him, but simply to give the order and his son will be made well. Jesus said to the man, “Go, your son will live” and the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him. What might it be like for you and me if we sought Jesus out, asked God directly, listened for God’s response, and then did as God directed. There are two parts of this story that are very important that we cannot short circuit. Listening for God’s response and doing as God directed. Sometimes we ask God to do for us and then we stop—we stop praying, we don’t listen, we don’t even do anything. God expects us to keep praying, worshiping. We have to listen. Anytime we have a conversation with someone if we do all the talking there is not much of a relationship is there? And then we must respond to God’s direction. The man’s faith is remarkable, but it is the same faith that is a gift from God to you and me as well. Let’s use that gift.
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