Saturday, November 3, 2007

Bearing Burdens


Nehemiah 4:1-23
What does it mean to be a burden bearer for God today? I’m sure there are as many different definitions for this term as there are people and denominations. But when I read that word it struck me—“the burden bearers are getting tired . . .” But the burden bearers didn’t tire they just shifted their loads and managed a little more responsibility. It seems to me that is often what happens in the church. Do people get worn out? Yes, when we rely on our own strength rather than the power of God to strengthen. Do the burdens get heavy? Yes when we do not remember God. Do our own strengths fail? Yes, but God is great and awesome! What does it mean to be a burden bearer today? It means, in a world that trusts in itself and in worldly riches, that we trust in God’s provident care in good times and in bad, in times of want and in times of plenty, no matter what, God’s grace is sufficient.

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