Wednesday, June 13, 2007



I Samuel 2:12-26
This story is a contrast of sorts. It begins by telling us that the sons of Eli were scoundrels and ends with the news that Samuel grew in “stature and in favor with the Lord and other people.” When you read this story the sons of Eli were scoundrels. They had no regard for the offerings or the gifts of God. There was some sense that they thought they could get away with anything. Samuel, on the other hand matured in his relationship with God and with other people. There seems to be a challenge that we need both a relationship with God and a relationship with others. And a solid understanding of our relationship with God enables us to value God’s gifts and God’s people.

Acts 2:1-21
The disciples ability to speak in other languages does not leave the crowd speechless, but it does leave them questioning, “what does all this mean?” God’s presence and word to us can leave us wondering and questioning: “what does all this mean?” When the disciples spoke there was someone to interpret. The questions and wondering didn’t last long, but the Spirit was welcomed into lives that had been paralyzed by fear, complacency and oppression. And the Spirit pushed the people beyond what they thought capable or that they imagined possible. The Spirit is still working today in our lives. Where are we being challenged?

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